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Ring Fit – Milk Pudding Smoothie

So as part of my personal pandemic self-care, I decided to try and ride the wave of New Year resolution fitness and diet tweaking. So far, so good. I even splurged on a Ring Fit for the Nintendo Switch, because I normally loathe exercise, and need to be tricked into thinking it’s fun. Also, PANDEMIC, amiright? Splurges are what’s getting us through at this point…

So there I am, jogging in place and pretending I look cool, when the game starts throwing these smoothie references at me. Spinach smoothie? I’m good, thanks. Banana sesame smoothie? Intriguing. Milk pudding smoothie?


So, admittedly my mind registered this as a rice pudding smoothie, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it for days. Which could be worse, of course: It’s taken me about two weeks to stop craving frozen chocolate chip cookie dough every single day. It’s been a tough year.

I wasn’t expecting to be hit with food inspiration in a workout game, though. But this food blog thing is a blessing and a curse in some ways, because I can find catharsis from these fixations by making up a winning recipe.

I started with the rice pudding concept, but rice is pretty high in calories (isn’t everything delicious, though?), so that gave me pause. Then I thought about the pearls, and BOOM! Tapioca!

This recipe comes out to under 200 calories, which is pretty good since it leaves some calories for other stuff (I’m a grazer, so I prefer more than one item for a meal). It’s creamy, a little on the thicker side from the tapioca, and lightly sweetened from the fruit. I had my husband taste it for me, and he promptly ran off with the glass, so I figure that’s a definite upvote.

I’m still busy leveling up in the game, but from the sneak peek I took online, I think it’s safe to predict that there’ll be plenty more smoothie recipes that catch my eye going forward, so stay tuned! :)


Ring Fit Milk Pudding Smoothie Recipe


  • 2 Tbs. small tapioca pearls
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup raisins or dates
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • dash vanilla extract
  • dash almond extract (optional, but yum!)
  • 1 cup almond milk

Cook the tapioca in the 1/2 cup water, or according to the package instructions. Once the tapioca is completely cooked, remove from heat and allow to cool for a few minutes.

Combine the tapioca with all the other ingredients in blender; blend until smooth. Strain for a smoother consistency (the remaining fruity bits are great in oatmeal!). Chill until ready to drink, the pour into serving cups and add a dash of cinnamon. Enjoy!


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