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Brewing Update

Game of Thrones brewing

So after a good deal of deliberation, and a lot of input from you all (thanks!), I’ve come to a decision about how to deal with the brewing recipes on the blog.

As of this week, I’ll be moving the actual recipes over to

But fear not! All previous posts will stay up here, and I’ll continue to do a monthly update on this site about what’s going on over in the brewhaus. In that way, those of you who are moderately interested in my brewing exploits (but are predominantly here for the food and don’t want to be overwhelmed by the brews) can follow the links to full articles at your whim.

I have decided to move the brewing for several reasons. While I agree with many of you who feel that food and booze go together, moving the brewing posts to their own blog will give me more room to grow over there. There is such a wealth of information about brewing history, styles, techniques and so on that it seems a shame to try and squelch it into too small a space.

The new site will feature both brewing recipes and food recipes that are directly tied to the brewing process, using spent grain, brewed beer, yeast, etc. Because I’m far from an experienced brewer, I invite you all to come along with me on the adventure-wagon that is my kitchen, and learn as I learn. I hope that this new site can be a community of new and experienced brewers to learn from one another, share ideas and enthusiasm, and explore the extant and possible brews of Westeros.

And hey, with now three blogs to manage and update, I’m bound to be well fed pretty much all the time. :)

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