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Burlington Book Signing

Everyone deserves goodies. But a really great author who has entertained and captivated us with the emotional rollercoaster that is A Song of Ice and Fire deserves extra swag. Being the foodies that we are, we decided to make up a gift basket for George RR Martin when he started his book signing tour in MA.

Being a creative sort, Chelsea just couldn’t help herself, and may have gotten a little carried away…

The swag basket included a medieval pork pie, cheese and olives, a small bottle of local cognac, traditional oatcakes with both blackberries and pine nuts, our new ultimate lemoncakes, potted hare, mulling spices, and our own little gag gift: a small bottle of “Tears of Lys”. The parcels were wrapped in a combination of linen cloth and hand woven inkle bands before getting their individual labels. Into the basket, lined with leather and fur, for the perfect presentation.


After Sariann finished work, we piled into the car with a couple of our Inn-mates (Ha!), and headed for Burlington. At the bookstore, the lines were predictably around the entire side of the building, fans all abuzz with excitement about the new book and meeting George. We felt like superheroes in disguise wearing our snazzy aprons as the bookstore staff ushered us in and handed us off to the uber efficient Random House marketing folks, who in turn took us to The Martin.

George was kind enough to take a few minutes to chat with us about food, and the contents of the gift basket.

He also signed our aprons:


This was pretty much one of the best nights of our lives…

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